The emphasis in HICT activities is on doctoral students’ networking, but we also provide training outside of the official doctoral degree curricula. Our primary goal is to support the development and careers of our doctoral students.
Below we have listed our upcoming events. These events include seminars, networking events, professionalization events, etc. These events are hosted by either HICT or HICT’s operating institutions.
Student symposiums and networking events
HICT hopes to be able to host 4-5 events for doctoral students every year. Working language in all HICT activities is English.
We are happy to see our doctoral students involved in organizing work. In spring 2019 HICT students organized the very first own conference: “HICT S5 – Scientific Symposium of the Students, by the Students, for the Students”, including students’ own presentations but interesting keynote speakers were also invited. In June 2021, the symposium got a sequel when our active doctoral students organized the event again – this time online.
HICT and our doctoral students are active also in other events organized at Aalto University and University of Helsinki. For example, the Computer Science Research Day events are being held every October at Aalto University Computer Science department. In all of these events HICT doctoral students, among other researchers, get the chance to present their current research.
Feel free to follow this webpage for information on future HICT events!

CS S4 Scientific Symposium by Students for Students – 10 June 2021
CS S4 is a yearly networking event for doctoral students of Computer Science. This year’s event, “AI for the Public Good”, aims to explore the social and environmental impact of our research.

Past HICT events
During the past years HICT has organized several informal student events and workshops about science communication. Topics have focused on pitching, presentation skills and social media visibility – just to name a few. We believe it is important for every doctoral student, regardless of the research field, to learn how to present own research results in an effective way to different audiences. We have also had the priviledge to hear many interesting career stories from experienced computer science researchers and our alumni.
Unfortunately, the coronavirus situation has hampered the organization of events in 2020 and 2021. HICT hopes to be able to host even better events in the future, either in a traditional way or remotely!
- CS S4 Scientific Symposium by Students for Students (10 June, 2021) Read a news story about the event here!
- HICT workshop: Introduction to research presentation skills and stakeholder interaction (1 ECTS)
- HICT Autumn kickoff for doctoral students with pizza.26 September, 2019
- HICT S5 – Scientific Symposium of the Students, by the Students, for the Students, 25 April, 2019
- CS Communications afternoons series April-May 2019, in collaboration with Aalto University Computer Science department. HICT provided 1 ECTS for students participating in 4 lectures.
- HICT Pitch & Pizza event (7 November 2018) – over 40 participants and 10 pitch presenters.
- HICT Pitching and presentation skills workshop 22 October 2018 (1 ECTS)
- HICT Summer Pizza Party (13 June 2018)
- HICT 1-day workshop: poster presentation skills (1 ECTS) (28 May 2018)
- HICT Spring get-together for doctoral students (18 April 2018)
We strive to make our events enjoyable and interesting for our doctoral students
Therefore we are more than happy to receive feedback and perhaps get you involved. What kind of HICT events would you like to experience?