HICT – The Helsinki Doctoral Education Network in Information and Communications Technology
Doctoral education network of Aalto University and University of Helsinki
What is HICT?
HICT serves as a collaboration platform for doctoral education combining all the relevant subfields of computer science and information technology.
All doctoral students and their supervisors at Aalto University and University of Helsinki in this field of science are HICT members.
Activities for doctoral students
On top of activities enhancing networking, HICT provides courses and training outside of the official doctoral degree curricula.
HICT activities are coordinated by the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology, a joint research institute of Aalto University and University of Helsinki.
We offer the possibility to join world-class research groups in both universities with multiple interesting research projects to choose from.
HICT has two open calls for fully-funded doctoral student positions each year. Our open positions are announced on this webpage.

HICT Admissions: positions for new doctoral students
We offer the possibility to join world-class research groups with multiple interesting research projects to choose from. We arrange two calls annually.
Support for HICT doctoral students to finalize doctoral thesis
HIIT provides funding to support doctoral students in the final writing-up stage of their doctoral studies. To be eligible, you must be a final year doctoral student and have completed all aspects of your doctoral studies with the exception of writing up your dissertation.
Interested in living and studying in Finland?
The HICT network operates in the Helsinki Metropolitan area in Finland, which is a comfortable place where services are close by and public transport works excellently. Doctoral studies are organized by Aalto University and University of Helsinki. Both universities have campuses in the Helsinki region. Learn more about starting your doctoral studies and living in Helsinki area.